Hello friends,
It's been a while. Some of you may be bored to tears by this post, and for that, I apologize. We have to counterbalance the air conditioning units still sitting on our porch with some nice yard work, though.

Caleb's parents have been from Kansas and back to visit us in this time and they were so very helpful in getting us started on the yard. I. am. clueless. about. planting. Thank you Dirks'. :) I'll take some pictures of the house while I'm home this weekend and the sun is shining in. We've been very busy. Caleb got back from his 3 weeks in California for training, and then he had a few days to rest up. Our very good friends Ryan and Liz came to visit us the weekend after he got back; we had a great time with them forgetting about responsibilities... Three days after they left, Dwight and Carol arrived and we had a great time with them also, eating and working. Then the weekend after they left (this last weekend), Caleb had his momentous one weekend a month off, so we planned to take full advantage of it by doing yard work in large chunks of time. And Caleb's been sick. But, you know Caleb, he not only dug out the beds to plant the flowers, but was inspired to climb the wild, gross trees and saw them down. I'll have to post a picture of the embarrassingly large pile of tree tops that we have in our backyard. Oh boy. At least the front looks nice.
Apparently, the only picture of the front of the house I have from "before" is this (which doesn't really show a lot):

Dwight and Carol helped us decide how to lay out the different plants and planted these puppies. On Saturday, Caleb and I laid the weed-free paper down.

Our mulch collection. With only a poor attempt at a calculated guess at how much we would need, we ended up with only one extra bag.

There used to be two awful looking rose bushes? here along the side of the house. We cut them down and it looks much less creepy already.

The bush on the far right will grow big and strong (we hope) and grow to about 6-7 feet to hide the not-so-pretties behind it.

This is what is left of the ugly, ugly bush that was mostly just in the way.

We really need to get a shed in our backyard, once the forest is cleared from it that is. The Ruckus is acting as somewhat of a kitchen island right now, in the sense that it's an obstacle to walk around and you can put towels on it. A bag of charcoal is confused for Chloe's dog food, screwdrivers confused with utensils. It's all so confusing.
Until next time...which hopefully won't be over a month....
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