Yay for HVAC! Though not completely set-up at the time of this picture, we were so happy to see progress. The heat is running full blast day and night for about a week in order to dry out the floors enough to refinish them. It's been pretty cold and damp in the house. According to this picture, must have been quite the 'balmy' evening!

That'll leave a mark...
Caleb found a guy to work on our wood floors, to both of our great relief. He is starting on Friday to patch in the floors. We were going to attempt doing this all ourselves, and it certainly would have looked like we were doing it ourselves. We were both fine with the idea, but once we started working on it, we saw the reality of our actual time to devote to the floors vs. time it would take to complete a project of this size. It didn't add up. So, for a few more pretty pennies, we will hand the torch to Dan the Man to do our floors. He has some great ideas to make the patches not only look nice, but intentional as well. Another thing we would not have done had we attempted the project ourselves was turn the heat on to dry out the wood. We probably would have started before the house even had heating. I'm not sure what the consequences would have been to this, but am glad somebody else knows! For the next couple of days, we'll be taking it 'easy'. We still need to refinish the bathroom vanity and pick up hardware, faucets, etc., and work on the upstairs a bit more so that we can at least use it for storage for a while. :) Sure beats scraping floors in a 45 degree house!
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