This is the dresser we are using for our bathroom vanity. I REEEEALLY wanted it, and Caleb let me have it. We got it off of Craigslist.

Another ingenious idea: Paint a beautiful brown border around the bedroom and it will save you the cost of a rug?

This is the hallway. Not very sure what we're going to do about this yet....
We think it's sub-floorig underneath this layer of what was left of the linoleum after we pulled it up.

This was the easy part: the edges of the rooms came up like a dream.
This middle of the floors...not so much. We didn't take many pictures of this, because we were quite mad.

The middle sections where the linoleum wouldn't come up very easy left large spaces of tar still stuck to the floor. Which figures, as it has probably been there for 50 years. We tried many methods to get it up. A couple being boiling water poured directly on, poured on towels over the tar and the method we finally ended up with. We pointed our shop lights directly at the tar (but not too long otherwise it would get sticky and gross), and then it seemed to come up a little easier. I worked on the tar for probably an hour and a half until all my man-strength gave out. Then Caleb took over and probably worked on it for another 4 1/2 hours until we FINALLY got the big chunks up. Little pieces still remain....ugh!
This is a lovely new sight in our living room (?). Not sure what to call this room yet. It was the living room with the original floor plan. We had to have another vent put in to the upstairs to make heating/cooling the upstairs even worth it. This was the best place to run the vent. We'll drywall around it, or maybe just put Christmas lights around it.

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