We are now homeowners! We closed on our first house today, signing papers at accelerating speeds. I'm sure this was a normal time frame to be in process of buying a house, but the bumps along the way sure made it seem lengthy. But alas, here we are, all full of inexperienced vigor for fixing up this house we hope to make a home.
The intent is to keep up with this blog, adding pictures of the progress along the way to share with good family and friends. Since Facebook is a necessity of life (har, har), we would hate to force our bajillion photo albums and status updates on those people mindlessly wandering Facebook. Or maybe it's just to save face. So take a gander if you please.
I love how 'before' pictures are always taken with every intent of making something look bad. There are a lot of photos this post, sorry for the tedious explanations. Despite my sarcasm, we are really very excited about this house and all the potential it holds...That place on Myrtle ::

I know you are all begging to stay in this room. Unfortunately, we made the tough decision to tear down the walls of this room so that it connects the living room and dining room, creating one large space. This room is directly to the left of the front door.

mmm....new carpet within the last year. Really?!

The living room, the room you enter when coming in the front door:

Front door/creepy kids room:

Caleb is in the creepy kids room on the left, this doorway on the right is the dining room. This will all be one, big space.

We believe there is an old fireplace (aka stack of bricks) beneath this excellently-highlighted white plaster. The intent (since we're not sure about removing fireplaces) is to expose the brick and incorporate it into the room once the wall surrounding it is gone (don't hold us to it, work in progress, work in progress). On the left you can see back into the living room.

Left to right: small square hallway leading to 1st bedroom (out of picture on left), bathroom, door to the upstairs, and living room (while standing in the dining room).

Still in the dining room, kitchen on left, hallway on right.

More dining room with big bright windows!
Fall 1968/'73/'82's latest designs in the kitchen.

From the kitchen (we were gifted these marvelous wall hangings), looking into the dining room.


Back door through kitchen.

Pantry/washer/dryer hook-ups room:

Bedroom number uno with closet and door to outside:

Looking out of bedroom #1 into dining room.

Hallway where you can see bedroom and bathroom:

Bathroom being gutted next week?

It really is quite cheery, no?


Upstairs pictures will be posted soon.
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