You know it's been an exciting week when the first image you get is a sweet potato with eyes. Yum. Ok, so the real highlight of the week was when these funny little mugs arrived to us as a surprise gift from Caleb's sister. Cute, huh?

New pretties in the bathroom! I was very excited about this new addition. Caleb hung our new floating shelf after it was painted (home depot carries every variation of shelves except white floating shelves, so we painted a black one white).

I'll have a wide angle lens soon so that I can show you what the bathroom really looks like instead of snippets.

And this is me about halfway through scraping the window frame, paint-flecked and wishing I would stop scraping so I would eat dinner at a reasonable time like a normal, sane person would.

We're very close to sanding the trim-work down so that we can paint it, folks.
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....
Love, love, love your bathroom! It looks so cute. Even the paint chips, or not. Yay for progress!